The company that manages the website, hereinafter referred to as, is 32 DENTAL ACADEMY SRL, hereinafter referred to as 32 Dental Academy SRL, with the unique registration code RO33688217, registered at the Trade Register with No. J23/2974/2014, having its registered office at Intr. Vlasceanu Dumitru, No. 18b, Room 1, Ground Floor, Voluntari, Ilfov County. 

Placing an order with implies your agreement with the terms and conditions of the website. 

When placing an online order on the site, the customer declares that they have read and agree with the aforementioned, and also declares and guarantees that they are over 18 years old, or if they are a minor, they use the website accompanied by a parent or guardian. Acceptance of these terms and conditions creates a valid contract between the parties, making the clauses of the Civil Code applicable regarding commerce in such situations. 

Subject to the terms and conditions, our store grants the right to use the online store in a limited, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive manner, solely for the purpose of making purchases for personal use and not for any commercial use, or on behalf of a third party, except those expressly authorized in writing by Any other violation of the terms and conditions will result in the deletion of the account created without prior notice. We reserve the right to refuse services, cancel accounts, and/or cancel orders without limitation if we believe that the customer’s behavior violates current legislation or is harmful to our company’s interests. 

The customer is not entitled to exploit this website or any portion of it in any way, except where this has been permitted in writing by our store. The user is not entitled to use any of the information provided in our online store for commercial purposes or to use the website in any other way for the benefit of another enterprise, except in cases authorized by our store. 

The user must not upload, distribute, or publish via this website any content, information, or other materials that: 

1. Infringe on copyright, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of a person; 

2. Include viruses, bugs, worms, or other harmful code; 

3. Make defamatory, threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, or pornographic statements, or could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under Romanian law. 

You will be solely responsible for access to and use of the website by any other person who may use your username and password, with or without your consent. You are solely responsible for protecting the security and confidentiality of the password and username assigned to you by our store. If you find that your username and password are being used by another person, please contact us immediately.

Furthermore, the user must not use a false email address, pretend to be someone else to mislead. Our store has the right, but not the obligation, to delete or edit any content submitted (including comments or opinions). 

Any termination/cancellation of the agreements established between the online store and the client does not affect the rights and obligations (including payment obligations) of the parties that arose before the date of termination. 


The general terms and conditions will apply to all sales of goods and services by 32 Dental Academy SRL through the virtual store 32Academy ( to the buyer and can only be modified with the written agreement of the parties. 


Buyer: The natural/legal person placing an order; 
Seller: 32 Dental Academy SRL – through the online store;
Order: The agreement established between the Seller and the Buyer, usually in electronic form (email), whereby undertakes to deliver the ordered goods, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for the ordered goods; 
Contract: Represents an Order subsequently confirmed by the Seller.
Goods: Any product in the online store, mentioned in the Order, which is to be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer. 


By processing an electronic Order on the website, the Buyer agrees with the Terms and conditions of the online store The acceptance of the order by 32 Dental Academy SRL is considered finalized at the time of confirmation via email. Any order not confirmed by 32 Dental Academy SRL will not have the value of a Contract between the parties. Therefore, the parties agree that only emails between the parties have contractual value. 


If a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical errors or errors in pricing or product information received from our suppliers, we will have the right to refuse or cancel any order placed for the products that present such errors, even if they have been paid for. In this case, we will refund the amounts paid for the ordered and canceled products. 


All information, techniques, ideas, questions, comments, suggestions sent or posted on will be treated as non-confidential, and we will have the irrevocable and transferable right to use, copy, distribute, display, publish, sell, rent, perform, transmit, adapt,

create derivative works by any means and in any form, translate, modify, reverse, disassemble, decompile. All of the aforementioned become the sole and exclusive property of 32 Dental Academy SRL and will never be returned to you. 

Moreover, the customer declares and guarantees that all comments, reviews, or other types of content on this website will not violate and/or infringe upon the rights of any third party. 


The Organizer has the right to cancel/postpone the event for valid reasons (examples: low number of registrations, force majeure cases). 

The Organizer will only refund the registration fees paid by the participant. 

The Organizer is responsible for collecting registration fees for the course/event from all participants and for refunding the money according to the Refund Policy when applicable. 

The Organizer is not responsible for travel expenses (accommodation, transport), lost deposits, or any other expenses incurred by a paying participant in connection with or for participation in an event. Each participant is responsible for any additional expenses other than the participation fee that they incur to register for the event. 

Participation Fee Return Policy 

Refunds will be made within a maximum of 14 working days from the date of the announcement of the postponement/cancellation of the event, to the bank account provided by the participant. Refunds can only be made by bank transfer. 


Any element found on the website, such as text, graphics, buttons, icons, images, audio clips, and software, belongs exclusively to 32 Dental Academy SRL. The use of any of our trade or service marks without express written consent is strictly prohibited without prior explicit consent. 

If you wish to address/report intellectual property rights issues, please contact the phone number found on the website or email 


The parties agree that this agreement shall be subject to Romanian law. Disputes arising from the interpretation of this agreement will be resolved amicably, and if this is not possible, they will be referred to the materially competent courts in Bucharest. The parties agree that the courts that will resolve the dispute shall be the materially competent courts in Bucharest.