2 days


Bucharest, RO




13th - 14th of December 2024




Hands-on session


Tooth loss invariably leads to changes in the volume of residual tissues, affecting both hard and soft tissues. Literature extensively documents re-absorption patterns, whether they involve single teeth or the broader scope of partial and total atrophy from multiple extractions. Bone augmentation techniques, such as Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR), allow for the restoration of lost volumes, thus enabling successful aesthetic and functional implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.

What will you learn in this course?

    • The success of such techniques hinges on meticulous initial planning, precise execution, careful attention during procedural phases, and the surgeon’s skilled hand. With proficient skills, understanding of volumetric considerations, well-documented treatment plans, and proper flap passivation, success in GBR becomes the norm rather than the exception.
    • This lecture aims to discuss the GBR technique comprehensively and to emphasize that while GBR outcomes are influenced by the operator’s skill, they are more critically dependent on the operator’s knowledge.
    • The educational focus of this session is to introduce surgical techniques for regenerating minor to moderate bone defects around implants. These techniques can be implemented in either a single or two-stage approach, with or without simultaneous implant placement, and are particularly effective for repairing major horizontal defects in the upper jaw and less extensive defects in the lower jaw.



Full Mouth Rehabilitation

In order to provide you with the opportunity to develop an even more comprehensive treatment plan, this 2-day course with Dr. Francesco Mintrone begins by exploring the principles of esthetic and functional analysis of the mouth.

Facial Aesthetics - From Zero to Hero: Everything You Need to Know

Facial Aesthetics - From Zero to Hero

Join us for a once in a lifetime opportunity in facial aesthetics, accredited by The CPD Certification Service, discussing cutting-edge advancements in dental science and blending a hands-on program with a wonderful journey in Athens, Greece.

All on X visual

All On X Mastercourse

Dedicated to digital dentists eager to master the most precise workflow in today's Digital Dentistry, the All on X Mastercourse introduces you to one of the most life-changing dental therapies. It also provides the opportunity to witness live surgery for full arch rehabilitation.