ABOUT - Dr. Marco Ronda


Dr. Marco Ronda

He graduated in medicine in 1990 at the University of Verona and since then he practices dentistry at his private practice in Genoa. Among the many post graduate courses he attended the one-year-course in advanced surgery held by Prof. Massimo Simion in Milan and attended a Master course in Regenerative Surgical Techniques at the University of Pennsylvania.

He annually attends the meetings organized by the ‘American Academy of Implant Dentistry’ and  several specialized courses on the techniques of horizontal and vertical bone regeneration. He also participates annually at the Continuing Dental Education at the New York University College of Dentistry, Post Graduate.

From 2014 to date he periodically provides a semestral practical training courses in implantology and bone regeneration techniques at his practice. During the years he attended national and international congress as a speaker.

From 2011 he is a relator at the Post Graduated Course at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In 2011 the International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry published his study reporting a new surgical technique of lingual flap management appropriate in all cases of increase in bone volume; on the same magazine in 2014, a new clinical study on the management of the buccal flap titled “A novel approach for the coronal advancement of the buccal flap” has been published.

He is also author of an article published on COIR magazine comparing the clinical outcomes in GBR with the e-ptfe and d-ptfe non resorbable membrane. He is an active member of the IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration) and co-founder of the Piezosurgery Academy.