Webinar category: Implantology

Webinar Dr. Stavros Pelecanos immediacy and delayed implant concepts in the another region - when and how we push the limits?
Webinar Dr Marcelo Ferrer Hopeless doesn't mean Useless. A Comprehensive Concept to approach difficult Single Implants, Partial or Full Arch cases
Webinar Dr. Henriette Lerner new parameters and workflows in full arch reabilitation
Webinar Dr. Vergoullis Ioannis the implant supra-crestal complex building the foundation for long term stable results in implant therapy
Webinar Dr. Luis Lapa Bessa managing compromised sockets in the aesthetic zone: how far can we go with immediate implants
Webinar Giaccomo Fabbri a biologically driven concept to design the emergence profile around dental implants: surgical and prosthetic considerations to optimize hard and soft tissues integration