Natural Guided Regeneration -Therapy: Challenging the Paradigm of Soft and Hard Tissue Regeneration


Every step we make to reach harmony with human biology, it follows, should improve the results and long-term predictability of our implants and grafts. Current research clearly supports the proposition that utilization of autologous biomaterials has the potential to improve our overall results. It follows that the use Bio-activators should improve the process of osseointegration; especially with the precise combination of bio-activators and bio-materials such as L-PRF, Dentin Graft and Biomimetics Implantable devices .

This has opened the possibility of decreasing the number of procedures, (reducing trauma and expense), encouraging minimally invasive protocols, significantly reducing healing time and providing more reliable and predictable results; even in our most difficult cases, and thus has the prospect of delivering outcomes not previously encountered in implant dentistry.


  • The process of osseointegration improvement by using a pprecise combination of Bio-activators and Bio-materials such as L-PRF, Dentin Graft and Biomimetics Implantable devices.
  • This course encourage a minimum invasive protocol, this way reducing significantly the healing time and providing more reliable and predicitble results.

Meet the speaker

Dr. Pinto is Professor, Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of the Andes, UANDES, Santiago, Chile.

Visiting Professor Department of Oral Health Sciences / Periodontology, University Hospitals, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.

Founder and Chairman of the Research Center for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, Concepcion, Chile.

Leading expert on clinical applications of L-PRF in soft & hard tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Active Private Practice specializing in advance Implant Dentistry.

National and International Lecturer in Implant Dentistry and Tissue Regeneration ( + 300 conferences & courses ).

Several Awards in Clinical Oral Research Presentations.

Developer of the Natural Guided Regeneration Therapy for the Management of Chronics Wounds with L-PRF.

Best Oral Research Presentation: 4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies Yokohama, Japan, September 2- 6 – 2012.

Finalist of the JWC-WUWHS AWARD 2016, 2nd place, Best Contribution to Clinical Research years 2012 to 2016. 5th Congress of World Union of Wound Healing Societies, September 25 – 29, 2016, Florence, Italy.

Nelson Pinto

Dr. Nelson Pinto



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