Massimo Albanese

Prof. Massimo Albanese

Prof. Massimo Albanese – Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Univer-sity of Verona in 1998,then specializing in 2003 inMaxillofacial Surgery at the same University.He has his academic career within the University ofVerona first as a Researcher (2002), then as Prof.Associate (2014) and since 2022 is Prof. Ordinary in“Odontostomatological Diseases”.He currently serves asFull Professor and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the Dental Clinic and MaxillofacialSurgeryof the Integrated University Hospital ofVeronaIn the last twenty years he has held numerous lectures in the university in theDegree Courses ofMedicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Pros-thesis and Dental Hygiene,at theUniversity of Verona. During these years,Prof. Albanesehas participated in the most important Congress and Specialization Course On dental implant techniques as a speaker. He is the author of numerous scientific articles in national and international journals