The preservation of the marginal bone around an implant is due by the vascularity provided by the perimplant connective tissue. The volume of that tissue can be increased by decreasing the volume of the Abutment and the subcritical area of the crown. Increasing the gap from the crown termination and the implant platform, we can achieve better tissue organization: curcumferential collagen fibers near the implant platform and more vessel and epithelium cell.
The paradigms of perimplant bone lost of the 70s and 80s can no longer be sustained.
Bone loss is due to poor blood supply to the bone.
Increasing volumes of connective tissue, with mucosal grafting and more gap between the implant and the crown allow better vascularization.
The maintenance of the perimplantar marginal bone crest depends on several factors:
- the height of the biological space
- the arrangement of the collagen fibers
- the enlargement of the blood vessels
- the smaller diameter of the abutment
- the distance between the platform Of the implant and zenith of the crown (by buccal) and the point of contact and the platform (by proximal).
The UMBRELLA Concept is the conjunction of concepts on the management of soft tissues around implants, three-dimensional, to achieve the aesthetics of the soft tissues with the preservation of the marginal crestal bone through time.